Friday, March 4, 2011

Physical Intimacy During Dating

"If love is like a jigsaw puzzle, falling in love is finding the corners." 

Below please write in a minimum of three sentences what you think this quote means.  What does it mean to you?


  1. When you find the corners it is the foundation of love. When you find your love you know what you want and which you want your love to go. When you get the out side pieces put together you can fill in the inside. When you complete the outside you should be ready to get married. The inside of the puzzle would be having kids and living like a family.

  2. In a puzzle the corners kind of keep the whole puzzle together. So I think the whole jigsaw is life and that the corner that are love hold it together. Love can get you threw alot of things in life if it is true.

  3. It means love will find you. you have to take time and find the right piece. You know you have the right piece and make sure it fits right.

  4. I think by "finding the corners" a person is setting the foundation for what type of love they are looking for. Setting the exterior is a stable foundation to build on. "Finding the corners" is just a foundation to build on.

  5. It is like the starting point when you start with the pizzle. Finding the corners are the easiest same with falling in love. When you go deeper in love it gets harder like a puzzle.

  6. When you fall in love your starting to make the puzzle. The best way to do that, is to start finding the corners because you can't build a puzzle without starting with the corner first. It's like the first steps, into hopefully someday meeting someone that you will marry, and eventually marry which will hopefully complete the puzzle.

    In life, you always need a start for everything. When riding a bike, you need training wheels first to get the "hang" of riding a bike. When finding love you need to start by dating; it just helps make everything easier because you know what to expect, and then your sure that your puzzle is going to go together; the way you want it to.

  7. This makes absolutely no sense to me. The corners are the easiest part of the puzzle to find. Everybody finds the corners first. If that's the case then, this relationship business would be easy. It's not... That's all I'm going to say. I don't like to get into awkward topics like this. Anything involving 'love' I dont talk too openly about. It's weird to talk about and slightly effeminate. I'm not trying to be sexist but it's usually the females who discuss this sort of thing

  8. the way love and a puzzle fit togethor is,because like any puzzle you have to put it togethor to find out what the puzzle looks like. In love you have to put the pieces togethor to find out who your gonna love, but just like any puzzle u start off with the corner pieces to get a good start on it. it is just like meeting a person for the first time, you start of with the corner pieces to get to know them first.
